WORKSHOP No. 1 The Ideal Client Blueprint Masterclass with Candice Coppola

Introducing educational workshops for our members. From marketing to finance, legal guidance to editorial tips, we are excited to provide you with a quarterly workshop series to help you elevate your business to thrive during both the great times as well as the challenging.

Our first workshop will take place on Thursday, August 20th at 2pm with an incredible speaker who focuses on guiding and mentoring wedding businesses. Candice Coppola, a business coach, two-time published author, successful wedding planner, and an industry leader will be guiding us through her Masterclass - The Ideal Client Blueprint.


Discover how to attract your ideal clients and book out your biz

Learn my 7-part formula for attracting your ideal clients so you can attract quality leads and get your wedding industry business booked out.

Joining this Masterclass will help you take the first steps to build a solid foundation for your wedding business so you can flourish - even during uncertain times.

This Masterclass is designed specifically for wedding industry business owners who are ready to:

  1. Stop attracting clients who aren't a good fit and start calling in couples you feel excited to support

  2. Move forward with a clear picture of exactly who you want to work with and how to nurture them into paying customers.

  3. Step out of the "feast or famine" cycle and have a steady stream of leads, inquiries, and sales

  4. Become recognized as an industry leader and sought-after for your incredible services

  5. And create true freedom and abundance in your business to support your meaningful life


Hey, I'm Candice!

I built my wedding planning and design business, Jubilee Events, from zero to six-figures in the first two years.

Before selling my company in 2019 (to focus full-time on mentoring wedding pros like you), my team and I worked with hundreds of clients all over the world, from New York City to Fiji, Vermont to Costa Rica, celebrating moments that mattered in our clients' lives.

I started Jubilee Events with NO experience, NO contacts, and no real training or support. Even so, I signed high-end clients from the very start of my business and produced events in excess of $1,000,000.

I went on to write and publish two books, get featured in countless publications, and build a team that supported my business - while I moved to Barbados and married the man of my dreams.

I know what it takes to run a successful wedding industry business. I've been in the trenches, where you've been. I've bustled hundreds of dresses, laid down linens, kept the crazy under control, and busted my ass to build a successful business I was proud of.

My goal is to help you to achieve the same level of success in your business that I've been so fortunate to have in mine.


Business coach, Candice Coppola

Candice Coppola

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