Wild About Wedding Hats

Wedding hats have made a tremendous comeback and are now not only fashionable but fit brilliantly into the mountain and lake vibe of Lake Tahoe. My mother wore a hat to her wedding in the 80's and always told me growing up how in fashion hats were back in the day. Many years later, I am now convinced. Your wedding day is a great and unique possibility to show of yours and your partner's sense of fashion and style. Some people get swept up in tradition and what they think they are meant to wear, but the brilliant part of getting married is that it's YOUR day. Showcase your own unique individual style and what better way to do so is through a wedding hat.

The royals do hats best and have long rocked wedding hats. However there is no need to Pigeon hole yourself into a small hat with feathers like the royals. Wide brim felt hats are our current obsession and either the bride or groom (or both) can rock this style. This low key bohemian vibe that hats can create just adds another element to your wedding look. You can also attach a veil to your hat or even a flower crown if you want to add a pop of color. Lake Tahoe provides a natural mountain feel and wedding hats is one of those wedding trends that effortlessly fits in. Still not convinced? View the gallery below and we have a feeling you'll change your mind.


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